a Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, NGSM Institute of Pharmaceutical, Sciences of Nitte -Deemed to be University, Paneer, Deralakatte, Mangalore - 575 018, Karnataka, India
b Department of Pharmacology, SCS College of Pharmacy, Harapanahalli - 583 131, Karnataka, India
*For Correspondence E-mail: revan@nitte.edu.in
The ethanolic extract of Desmodium triflorum (EEDT) was investigated for in vitro antiurolithiatic activity by using nucleation and aggregation methods. phytochemical screening was also undertaken to reveal the presence of alkaloids, flavonoids, reducing sugars and sterols in the sample. The In vitro studies showed that the ethanolic extract inhibits aggregation, nucleation and growth of calcium oxalate crystals. The extract exhibited inhibitory action in both nucleation and aggregation assays at significant level. The results of nucleation assay were found to be significant and showed inhibition (60.39%) compared to standard cystone drug (79.59%) and in aggregation assay also showed inhibition (70.89%) compared to cystone (79.22%) at 500μgm/ml concentration. The results clearly indicated that EEDT has the capacity to inhibit the crystal formation and aggregation.