
IDMA promotes Research & Development in Pharmaceutical Sciences and in all major related fields that fall within its ambit, through its well known monthly scientific and research publication INDIAN DRUGS. Researchers may submit (1) Original Research Articles (2) Review Articles (3) Short Communications. The disciplines covered are: (I) Pharmaceutical Chemistry (II) Phytochemistry/Natural Products (III) Pharmaceutics (IV) Pharmaceutical Analysis (V) Pharmacology. All submissions should contribute to advancement or should illuminate a particular aspect in any of the above mentioned fields. Every submission should adhere to the journal format and style, be legibly written in good English, comprehensive, concise and complete.


AUTHORSHIP CONTRIBUTIONS are accepted on the understanding that the authors have obtained the necessary authority for publication. Authorship credit is based on substantial contribution to (a) conception and design or analysis and interpretation of data and (b) drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content and scientific rigour. All the conditions must be met. Participation solely in the acquisition of funding or the collection of data or secretarial aid, does not justify authorship. Any part of an article critical to the main conclusions must be the responsibility of at least one author. Submission of an article is understood to imply that it is not being considered for publication elsewhere. The author's permission to publish his/her article in this journal implies exclusive authorization to the publisher to deal with all issues concerning copyright therein.


Copyright agreement shall be completed as requested in the online submission protocol. A declaration for plagiarism is also included in the same.

"I certify that I have participated sufficiently in the conception and design of this work and the analysis of the data (wherever applicable), as well as the writing of the manuscript, represents valid work. I have reviewed the final version of the manuscript and approve it for publication. Neither has the manuscript nor one with substantially similar content under my authorship been published or is being considered for publication elsewhere, except as described in an attachment. I also certify that none of the content of the manuscript is copied from any other publication without giving due credits. All the contents taken from other publications are duly annotated and references are given to the original publications. Indian Drugs will not be held responsible for any plagiarism noted in the manuscript. Furthermore, I attest that I shall produce the data upon which the manuscript is based for examination by the editors or their assignees, if requested."

Copyright Agreement and Authorship Responsibility form is available on Indian Drugs website in ‘Instructions to Authors’ page. Download the form and upload the signed copy (scanned copy) along with covering letter at the time of submission of manuscript.


The Manuscript should be typed double-spaced on standard-sized – A4 paper with 1" margins on all sides with 12 pt Times New Roman font. Authors should take care of the fonts which are used in the document, including fonts within graphics. Manuscript file format should be in .doc/docx with font restricted to Times New Roman. Note that PDF format is not acceptable.

The main text of the article should start with Title, Author’s Name, Institute name and address, email address, phone and fax number of corresponding author on one Title Page, followed by Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgments and References. The Images and Legends/Figures should be enclosed in a separate file and attached separately to the respective section. The Title Page is must for all contributions, including short communications and review articles.

Please note the technical standards for manuscripts depicted by some examples at the end of this document


Indian Drugs ensures the reliability of its publications through a stringent peer review process. Authors are required to thoroughly review and comply with the ‘Instructions to Authors’ before submitting their manuscript. All manuscripts are acknowledged and undergo a thorough plagiarism check using advanced plagiarism detection software. If the manuscript is found plagiarized, it is promptly rejected and not considered for publication in Indian Drugs. The Journal operates a single-blind peer review system. The screened manuscripts are reviewed by the Consulting Editor and assigned to a minimum of two subject experts, who will be asked to evaluate whether the manuscript is scientifically sound and novel/original and whether or not the manuscript is satisfies the Indian Drugs publication criteria. The editors take a final decision based on the comments of the reviewers.


A conflict of interest is when someone involved, like the author, reviewer, or editor, has financial or personal connections that might affect their decisions. The journal asks authors to mention any conflicts when submitting their manuscript.


Manuscripts can only be submitted online at Submission of hard copy manuscripts or by e-mail will not be accepted.


The decision to accept a contribution rests with the Editorial Board, which reserves the right to make alterations in manuscript submitted for publication, if they do not conform with accepted scientific standard or if they are too repetitive. The author needs to conform to his /her own area of expertise pertaining to the theory or grounds of knowledge covered, and must incorporate a chronological arrangement of ideas and methods when reporting on the research done.

The paper must have the following format listed below coming sequentially on separate pages.


  • Title must be brief and comprehensively represent the findings and description as written in the abstracts. Do not use abbreviations in the title or abstract and limit their use in text.
  • Complete Authors' names (Name, Middle name in short and Surname). For example – James Kelvin Anderson should be James K. Anderson or J. Anderson
  • Complete address of each author with postal code and the author for correspondence must be identified. The email id and contact number of the corresponding author must be mentioned.
  • The title page is a must for all manuscripts including Short Communications and Review articles
  • Number all pages sequentially beginning with the title page.


As a summary of not more than 150 words, abstracts should be clear and factual in content. Abstract must present the reason of the study (aims & ideas), the main findings and principal conclusions. Emphasis may be made on new and important aspects of the study or may highlight some important observations. Basic procedures, if entirely novel, may be briefly included. Main findings in terms of specific data collated and its associated statistical significance may be briefly mentioned. No abbreviations or references should be cited in the abstract.


To identify the most important subjects covered by the article (6-7 keywords maximum). Authors should not break off or hyphenate words.


A concise account or a preview is required of the background of the subject, its significance and its relationships to earlier works clarified with pertinent references. Clearly state the purpose of the article. Do not review the subject extensively in the introduction. Some abbreviations made of long full names may be used in the text.


Materials and Methods should be presented with sufficient clarity and detail. This section in Full Length Papers should include concise details on the methodology adopted, sufficiently elaborate to repeat the experiment. Data must be adequate and experimental design should be proper and accurate. Describe new or substantially modified methods giving reasons for using them and evaluate their limitations. Methods for which adequate references from published work can be cited are not to be described. All Physical and Spectral data should be reported. Method of Analysis should be validated. Experiments on human subjects are to be done in accordance with the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) protocol or approved by an Institutional Ethical committee. A copy of approval by the IEC/IRB (Institutional Review Board) must be attached. For the care and use of laboratory animals, the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Government of India has notified guidelines titled “Breeding of and Experiments on Animals (Control and Supervision) Rules, 1998' (under notfication. No. SO 1074 dated 15th December 1998) the Indian National Science Academy or Institutional Animals Ethics Committee guidelines should be followed. Further, the latest SOP (Standard Operating Procedures) of CPCSEA (Committee for the Purpose of Control and Supervision of Experimentation of Animals), issued by the Animal Welfare Division of Ministry of Environment and Forests, January 2010 must be followed.

All possible effort must be made to give mechanism of reactions. Use System International (SI) Measurements.

In case of work related to plant materials, a sample of the authentic materials is to be deposited at any one of the designated institutions and their accession number or a reference of the same be quoted in the manuscript.

Rationale for selection of certain solvent extracts of the herbs / plants along with characterization (by way of spot tests, TLC pattern etc.) of such extracts evaluated for any activity should form part of the manuscript. Use of positive and negative controls in experiments should be highlighted.


The original and important findings should be stated in a logical sequence. Illustrate the results with figures or tables where necessary, but both must be kept to the minimum. Emphasize or summarise only important observations. Result must be precise and comprehensive and should not be ambiguous.


  • The principal conclusions drawn from the results and their important implications should be discussed. Do not repeat in detail data already stated in the results. Limitations if any should be made note of. Avoid claiming priority and alluding to related work but if the need arises, it should be clearly justified as such. Recommendations, where appropriate, may be included.
  • Illustrations: All illustrations must be numbered using Roman numerals in their order of citation in the text. Illustration may be accepted if they enhance a paper's contents scientifically or educationally.
  • Use generic names of drugs only, unless the specific trade name of a drug used is directly relevant to the discussion.


Sources of support in the form of grants, equipment, drugs as gift samples may be included. Only scientific personnel who have made substantial and essential contributions to the study should be acknowledged and not institutional heads and others. Authors must state clearly the name and address of the expert (for botanical verification) who has authenticated the plant material, or botanical specimen. Authors are responsible for obtaining written permission from all acknowledged by name because readers may infer their endorsement of the data and conclusions. References to brand names obtained for research may not be referred to in the text.


  • Co-relate and number all references, literature citations, sequentially in the order arising out of the text, using arabic numbers, e.g.1 ; for multiple references, e.g.1-3 or 2,5,7. Full titles for all the references should be mentioned.
  • Abstract cannot be used as references. The same goes for unpublished observations and personal communications.
  • Manuscript accepted but not published can be designated by giving the Journal's name followed by (in press).
    Mishra P.K., Sharma S.K. and Kumar N., The use of medicinal plants in drug delivery, Int. J. Pharm. Sci., in press.
  • Journal Citation: Ref. Format;
    Neuman R. E. and Logan M. A.: The determination of collagen and elastin in tissue, J. Biochem, 1950, 38(11) 549-551.
  • Book Citation:
    Farooqi A. A. and Sreeramu B. S., Cultivation of medicinal and aromatic crops, Universities Press, Hyderabad 2001, pp. 210-211.
  • Article Citation Within a Book:
    Trease G.E. and Evans W.C., Ipecacuanha, in: Pharmacognosy, 13th (Ed.), Bailliére Tindal, London 1989, pp. 595-599.
  • Ph.D. and Diploma Theses:Authors' name, Title of Thesis, Institute, Year, Page No.
    Nijsure P. In vitro propagation of some vegetable crops (Ph.D. Thesis), University of Mumbai, 1998, 230-235.
  • Patents: Authors' name, Title, Patent No., Year.
    Park J. H., Allen M. G. and Prausnitz M. R., Particle based molding, US Patent 8101114, 2012.
  • Electronic Sources: Authors' name, Title, Available at (Full address of website).
    Malson G., New GLP-1 agonist claims price advantage, Available at
  • Conference Paper: Authors' name, Title, Name of Organization, Place, Date and Year of Conference, page number.
    Menendez E., Gomez E. and Borja M., Pelargonium rooting with toy glass beads: faster and cheaper, in: 5th International symposium on adventitious root formation, Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, Spain, 16-20 September 2008, pp. 117.

Note:- For more details please see “Free Sample Articles”, available online.

SHORT COMMUNICATIONS (MAX 4-5 page of Text in A4 Size Paper)

Short communications must be a completely self-contained paper and not a preliminary report. It can have maximum of one figure and one table only. Division into sections is not required. Experimental section must be reported only when strictly necessary for reproduction of the research. An abstract, if needed, may be written.

Please note Review Articles are not accepted in Short Communications.

REVIEW ARTICLE (Approx. 20-25 Foolscap Sheets)

A review article is usually written at the invitation of the Editor. However, unsolicited reviews are welcome. Literature citation should be consecutive, extensive and relevant to subject. It must project new concepts or describe concepts in a novel manner.

A reliable commentary based on a fresh logical analysis inclusive of the author's independent insight into the area in question is called for. The introduction should not exceed two pages. The review should include all the work done in the recent past for it to have sufficient perceptible depth. Some new data may need to be generated, otherwise a review on that subject may not be warranted.


ABBREVIATED NAMES of cited journals should be as per Chemical Abstracts or IUPAC. All botanical nomenclature should be as per International Code of Botanical Nomenclature. For botanical, zoological and microbial names, the genus and species will be mentioned in full only the first time. Subsequently, the genus will be mentioned only by the first alphabet and a full stop. For example, Staphylococcus aureus should be S. aureus.

Where abbreviations are used, for example for a drug, the abbreviation will be mentioned in brackets the first time the drug is mentioned in the article. Subsequently, only the abbreviation shall generally be mentioned. For example: Celecoxib (CXB).

The ultimate criterion for a paper's acceptability is that an informed reader is likely to learn something new that contributes to the development of coherent bodies of knowledge.


Galley proof will be sent to the e-mail address given for correspondence. It is the responsibility of the corresponding author to ensure that the galley proofs are returned without delay.


2 reprints are supplied gratis to the authors.


Indian Drugs does not charge the authors or authors’ institutions for the submission, processing and publications of manuscript.


Regularly observed text/styles Indian Drugs Standard
 Title  All Capital
 Abstract  ABSTRACT (150 word)
 Abbreviations  Only Approved abbreviations
 Keywords  Only 6-7 keywords max
 Heading style -  
            Introduction  INTRODUCTION
            Material & Methods  MATERIALS AND METHODS
            Results & Discussion  RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
            Acknowledgements  ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
            References  REFERENCES
  Author A. B., Author C. and Author D. E.: Title, J. Abbn. Year, Vol. Page.
  Author X. Y. ‘Name of the Book’, XYZ Ed; ISBN no: Publisher, City, Year, Page.
Name of the bulk Drugs In small Letter eg. aliskiren
Name of Branded Drugs Capital Letter eg. Xyz
Names of Algae, fungi, plant Italics
Figure 1 Fig. 1 (number in Numeral)
Table 1 Table I (number in Roman)
1W/W 1 w/w
1 v/v 1 V/V
1ml 1 mL
g/L g L-1
5% 5 %
250C 25 0C
Writing measures and units (space between the two)  
     1N 1 N
     1mg 1 mg
     1mm 1 mm
In-vitro In vitro
In-vivo In vivo
IUPAC NAME (2S, 4S)-N-(2-methyl)-Octane (2S, 4S)-N-(2-methyl)-octane
Hour h
Corresponding Author Address: *For Correspondence:
     A. B. Author, Institute name, Address, Pin number Department Name, Institute name, Address, City name, Pin Number, State name, Country Name
Mumbai-400018 Mumbai - 400018
India. India
Line spacing Double
Font Size 12pt
Font Times New Roman
xyz 1 xyz1
US Patent, Patent Number. OOOOA US Patent OOOOA
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