aRajarambapu College of Pharmacy, Kasegaon - 415 404, Maharashtra, India.
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In acid-base titration or acid-base neutralization reaction the change in color due to change pH of the solution is caused due to a third substance which is termed as acid-base indicator or pH indicator. Every indicator shows different range of colors at different pH ranges. Synthetic indicators have been widely employed as indicators in acid-base titrations; however, due to environmental pollution, availability and cost, natural compounds are best alternates. Natural pigments in plants are highly colored substances and may show sharp color changes with variation in pH. In the present study an attempt has been made to extract natural indicator from flower of Aristolochia bracteolate. The equivalence points of the titrations namely strong acid-strong base, strong acid-weak base, weak acid-strong base and weak acid weak base titrations, using flower extract of A. bracteolate were coincident with the equivalence points obtained by the synthetic indicator phenolpthalein. From the results of the study, it may be concluded that ethanolic extract of A. bracteolate flower as an indicator for acid-base titration could be effectively employed as a substitute to the synthetic acid-base indicators.