a Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik - 400 028, Maharashtra. State- Maharashtra, India
b Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik - 400 703, Maharashtra, State- Maharashtra , India
c Maharashtra Animal & Fishery Sciences University, Nagpur - 400 706. (MAFSU) Maharashtra, State-Maharashtra, India
* For correspondence: E-mail - drprajaktabhogate@gmail.com
Shatapaki Ksheerbala Taila (SKT) is a herbal formulation in oil form which is used for treating central nervous system disorders, rheumatism and insomnia. The current study was conducted in Wistar rats for evaluating the effect of Shatapaki Ksheerbala Taila (SKT) on Central Nervous System (CNS). The study drug was given in the dosage of 0.9mL/kg and 9 mL/kg body weight. Diazepam 3mg/kg body weight was used as standard drug. It was observed that the administration of SKT to rats significantly changes their behavioural pattern, indicating the modulation of CNS activity by SKT.