Article Details


Anu Ruhilaa*, Pramod R. Yadava, Galib Ra and Pradeep K. Prajapatia

a Department of Rasa Shastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana, All India Institute of Ayurveda, Gautampuri, Sarita Vihar - 110 076, New Delhi, India

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Bhallataka Taila (Oil) is extracted with the help of Patala Yantra. It is one of the important formulations in Ayurveda pharmaceutics. Shelf life for various dosage forms are described in Ayurveda classics. In the current scenario, the amendment of Rule No. 161-B of the Drugs and Cosmetic Act 1940, specifies the maximum shelf life of Ayurvedic formulations. However, there is a lack of shelf life data for individual for-mulations. Thus, the present study is aimed to evaluate the shelf life of Bhallataka Taila (Oil). Bhallataka Taila (Oil) was extracted following classical guidelines. The sample was subjected to an accelerated stability study maintaining the temperature and humidity 40 +- 2 0C and 75 +- 5 %, respectively. Physico-chemical parameters were analysed at the initiation of the study and at an interval of 1, 3 and 6 months to check the degradation levels in the formulation. Tests for microbial limit and heavy metals were also conducted for the safety and quality of the product. On extrapolating the observations, the shelf life for Bhallataka Taila (Oil) was found to be 4.89 years, which exceeds the shelf life mentioned for Taila (Oil) in official gazettes of the Government of India. This oil preparation does not incorporate any liquid media such as Swarasa (Juice), Kwatha (decoction), etc. as required in any Taila Preparation, resulting in low degradation rate. The oil is rich in PUFA (polyunsaturated fatty acid) content and tocopherols, which may contribute to the stability of the oil.

Year 2021 | Volume No. 58 | Issue No.6 | Page No. 36-41
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